Smoke and mirrors
Sound, light, smoke and mirrors to be exact.
Show Designer/Producer/Principal: Millennium, Beancross, Scotland’s leading entertainment destination:
Carnevale musical variety show.
MV2 musical variety show.
Variety musical light entertainment show.
MM musical variety show.
The Paradise Cruise musical variety show.
All Night Long musical variety show.
It’s A Wonderfull Christmas musical variety show.
Vocalist on ‘I Have a Dream’ Children In Need No1 in the Uk charts (well, for one week!)
Vocalist on ‘The Living Years’ Paul Carrick tour
Vocalist on Michal Bolton UK tour
Fronted the Carnevale Radio Big Band.
Studio Collaborations: The Cookis (Poker Face with the kind permission of
House Of Gaga Publishing Inc.), JIMNI, …
Consultant, prop designer, video creator, talent and services provider to Gleneagles Hotel, La Manga Resort, Wet Wet Wet, Edinburgh International Magic Festival, Cirque Du Soleil, The Illusionists, BBC, ITV, America’s Got Talent, Das Supertalent, Tu si Que Vales …
Stage special effects